About Radhika Kawlra Singh
'Radhika Kawlra Singh' was born in 'Patiala', Punjab in 1971. She attended her pre school at ‘The Piers Private School’, New Delhi. She then moved to Bhopal and attended Junior school at ‘Saint Joseph’s Convent’. She attended middle and high school - an ICSE board at the ‘Villa Theresa Convent’ Bombay. And went ahead to graduate from ‘Sophia College’ Mumbai University.
Further to that, she trained in film making. Her deep commitment to integrating diversity and social responsibility is inextricably linked to her passion for life. She produced and directed 22 corporate films for top global business houses of the country in just two years and launched her own production house ‘The Film Factor’ in 1991.
Amongst others she co-produced the first and biggest production on Indian Private Television, ‘The Bournvita Quiz’ contest with Dushyant Mehta of Repro Computers, which had the highest TRP ratings for the first year of weekly air time. She also co-produced the first Indian CD title for Apple Microsoft Computers in 1990 on the ‘Kama Sutra’.
In 1995 after her marriage she moved to New Delhi. She ran a very successful Public relations firm called ‘Parichay’ with her partner 'Rina Karer' for two years. 'Parichay' served a list of esteemed clients like Omega, and Favaluva right at its onset. The firm provided publicity to various festivals. It also served accounts for top fashion houses in the country.
She is married to a businessman whose base is in New Delhi and they have two exquisite daughters. She has continued to work out of her healing spaces in New Delhi and Gurgaon since the year 1998.
In the year 1998, she fully embraced her true spiritual journey and started to study and apply alternative healing modalities. By the year 2000, she started her training with institutes of the highest-ranking mostly in the US and certified with a license to practice hypnotherapy and other mainstream mind therapies by going back and forth every other year.
The Journey
She engages with the Spirit at the deepest level and integrates within her therapy a concise movement of higher consciousness.
She has earned herself an enormously acquiescent reputation of working with people from all sections of society, young and old from over a decade now.
Radhika has earned a reputation as a forthright, hard-driving therapist who sets high standards for herself and her clients.
A passion for learning, training from the finest Hypnotherapists in the world and a profound interest in the spirit are additional merits of this accomplished healer.
Radhika drives the optimization of all her internal processes in Spirit, Mind, and Body and is helping transform any negativity into a platform of Oneness.
Educational Credentials
Radhika holds a first-class Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from ‘The University of Mumbai’.
Radhika earned a Master Certification in ‘Usui Reiki’ from ‘The Reiki Foundation Research Centre’ Institute of Joyful living in New Delhi in 1998.
Since joining NGH she has traveled extensively all over the world training with leaders in the field of the healing arts and Spirituality.
She took her training as a Master Hypnotist with leading world hypnotherapist Cal Banyan at the ‘Hypnosis Center, Inc’, the USA in 2000.
She also took the professional hypnotherapy certification course with Cal Banyan to be a 5-Path NGH Certified Hypnotherapist in the year 2000.
She also completed her certification as a 7th Path Self Hypnosis Teacher in 2000.
She earned her certification to be a Diabetes Motivational Coach, from ‘The Diabetes Research Association of America, Inc. The USA’.
She studied at ‘The National Federation of Neurolinguistic Psychology’, USA, and earned a certification as a Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming.
She trained and received her certification as a 15th step teacher from the ‘Institute of thought’ USA in 2003.
She trained with David Quigley in the year 2008 in New Hampshire New England and certified as a Somatic Healer.
She trained under world-famous Olympian mental coach ‘Robert Reese and Certified as a Sports Hypnotist in 2009.
She completed her ‘Gaiadon Heart Master-ship program’ in New Delhi, India in 2009.
She trained as a theta healer in India from a teacher belonging to 'Vianna’s' theta institute ‘THINK’ USA in 2010.
She trained with Ines Simpson and certified as a spiritual teacher and practitioner of the Simpsons Protocol in Dubai in 2013
Published Articles Written By
Radhika Kawlra Singh
Some questions have difficult answers, while some answers are simple and complex. What happens when you pick up a newspaper - do you smell the newsprint ink first or does the font type catch your attention? Is it the size of the print or are you already having multiple thoughts of the story that you were looking to catch up with?
Every bit of information entering your brain - every sensation, idea, concept, memory or thought already has some sort of representation in your cortical real estate. Every single thought - a single word, a number code, fragrance, texture all of it has a representation and many associations have already been formed within that representation. This infinite array of links makes up your personal library - your memory bank. A professional cartographer would remain in disbelief if he were to access such maps.
The human brain is an enchanted loom where millions of flashing shuttles weave a dissolving pattern, always a meaningful pattern, though never an abiding one, a shifting harmony of sub-patterns. It is as if the milky way entered upon some cosmic dance. Sir Charles Sherrington.
One hundred billion cells that do the thinking are called neurons. Each one contains a vast electrochemical complex and a mighty data-processing and transmitting system that while so complex is tiny, visibly a negligible dot. A biochemical magnetic pathway is established each time a memory is accessed, for as it is being relived it is passing from cell to cell. Each time you have that thought - the biochemical resistance along that pathway is reduced. It is akin to fighting your way through thick undergrowth in marshy land. Each trip you access a clearer path, for you have done some clearing on the previous journey. Repetition in itself increases the probability of repetition. The more times a mental event happens the more it is likely to happen with calm.
From physiological and psychological evidence, we know that the brain contains vast power waiting to be unleashed. Research on successful sportsmen reveals that a sportsman who remains tied to daily mental practice inherently builds a capacity to remain stronger through a difficult time in their game, even in the most challenging competitive space. The mind tends to move toward our dominating thoughts. If your repetitive statements are strong and compelling to yourself - you will be activating your brain to trigger subtle physiological activity, that can help you turn a desire into a reality, almost spontaneously.
Top athletes adopt the Winners Mentality to discover their significant mind maps. Rehearsing and making stronger associations that favor a calm approach amidst a tough challenged space - is about creating a trusting mindset. Our memory helps make us who we are. From fondly recollecting childhood events to remembering where we left our keys, memory plays a vital role in every aspect of our lives. It provides us with a sense of self and makes up our continual experience of life. It's easy to think about memory as a mental filing cabinet, storing away bits of information until we need them.
An athlete undergoes much training to activate the brain on all levels, so all unconscious processes that are responsible for excellence are made stronger. As newer insights develop the athlete reconstructs his mental approach so any new perspective has little chance of showing up during play. He now has been able to quieten his mind - for unconscious processes much rather mimic movements that are more likely to produce satisfying results.
Yet that can happen once an athlete has explored the mental and cognitive aspects of behavior that limit his capacity. Think about Toddlers learning to tie their shoes. They concentrate on the task, repeat the task and practice it again and again. Eventually tying shoes becomes routinized. The task then moves into the subconscious and you no longer have to think about it. You are no longer aware or mindful of it. It is a habit and habits are hard-wired - so they become hard to break. An athlete is able to initiate himself to tap into his unlimited potential as he lets go of unnecessary habituated responses that do not serve him well on the field or even influence his behavior prior to competition.
Old habits are changed by creating newer ones. Making healthier choices using awareness and mindfulness. Habits are not limited to behavior alone and not even those that are directly influencing the mechanics of a technique. Useless self - talk is one such poison, and it becomes an unconscious pattern with such ease. For as soon as words that inhibit a behavior are as much as brought into awareness, they light up cortical areas within the quadrillion neural networks and the body is then out of control for it has reacted before conscious processing can stop that action. For a single word can radiate a massive order of associations that have the power of destroying a crucial shot in the game. An example of that maybe " I am just never able to produce a good beginning", " I know if I miss my first shot, the consequence is disastrous"
Our behavior generally reflects our attitude. In everyday trials - 'I have to pay the bills' or between competition time -'Indians always find a way to lose when they are not on home ground'.An attitude begins as an opinion or a way of using thought - with a sense of value or an assessment component. If the opinion is kept or sanctioned it quickly becomes a way of thinking. It generally does have an emotional charge as well. We do have the ability, to change our attitude as quickly as we can change our minds. The choice is ours. A Sportsman uses an attitude to manage or alter a performance, simply by shifting his attitude instead of sabotaging a well-rehearsed performance because of his attitude. How he does this is, he shifts his point of view so he may stand devoid of judgment - not good or bad, nor right or nor wrong; An attitude is a decision to create only one kind of response. An Olympian must know his response.
Well rehearsed programs hold together opinions, attitudes, and assumptions. These are deep-seated predictive values that initiate a promising self Image that athlete much rather maintains than experiment with using his emotions. He learns that his Self Image is built to withstand any crisis and even though he can get highly emotional - a greater Sense of self will help him to remain centered through his crucial and testing times. While conscious work is done in mastering the mechanics required for enhancing the skill, it is the mental edge that will foster calm. The mind then steps back and lets the body do what it knows how to do - free of doubts and free of analysis - especially at the moment of delivery.
Connecting with Success! How do we make sure that we can say “I am prepared”!
Mental training makes all the difference between winning and losing!
Radhika Kawlra Singh is a certified Sports Hypnotist. She has had practical experience at the 2008 Beijing Olympics with Mental Coaching.
She is currently coaching Abhinav Bindra for the London Olympics 2012.
Recall the numerous professional athletes who excel in their sports but when it comes to personal shortcomings have landed themselves face down. Pick up any newspaper on almost any given day and you can read about athletes who are struggling not only with their sport but with other areas of their lives as well. There are no magical shortcuts to establishing harmony between mind and body. You must do the work within yourself to get out of your own way. Now with the help of a mental coach you can learn so much technique without technical instructions.
This does not mean that there is no value in learning techniques. Mental Coaching presents a way to integrate technical instructions with awareness techniques.
Mental game coaching is a segment of sports psychology that has researched human behavior - motivation, arousal, anxiety and mental imagery amongst others. The psychological factors affecting the performance of players in sport and exercise have been thoroughly examined by pioneers in the field.
In an attempt to facilitate consistent peak performance your mental coach is required to train your mind and body to triumph over mental barriers. A relaxed and confident performance begins in the mind!
No matter how excellent your physical training has been, mental toughness is a prerequisite for your success. Losing your focus for even a few seconds in any game can put you into the deep end. Every move cannot be perfect, especially when you have to depend upon conditions in the environment. In competition or a friendly match, the actions and moves of your opponents and teammates are outside your control. The same is true of other factors in the playing field. When you are mentally prepared to beat all challenges, you maintain an optimal level of intensity and poise. This helps you recover from unfavorable factors influencing your game which are outside of your control.
Confidence is your ability to believe in your ability. A confident mind is well-collected thoughts - mandatory in initiating the circle of success! Knowing you are talented mirrors the definition of confidence. Mastering how to leverage confidence comes from replacing labels and from building your strengths. This takes some time. Mental coaching is a long term plan. Your mindset needs a commitment to be positive, day after day and week after week for at least a couple of months before you know consistent success.
Every successful sportsman who rises to the top of his field has mastered his mind. The idea behind mental coaching is to get your mental skills honed up to support the physical skills and accentuate them. A good mental coach will ensure that your training equips you in achieving intense focus while playing. Your coach prepares you to amplify your potential and expose your unchallenged limitations.
Your commitment to excellence is enormously crucial for your success. Your commitment will enable your mental energy, to pursue testing your skills amongst the best and encourage you in the face of tough competition. After thorough and dedicated mental coaching, you are able to experience an internal shift. When this occurs you realize that “I am prepared”! You know that the goal is now guaranteed and it’s just a matter of ‘awaiting delivery”!